Getting Help For A Denied Disability Claim

If your application for social security disability benefits has been denied, it's time to start the appeals process. This can be a long and complicated process and one for which you need the help of an experienced disability lawyer. In the appeals process, you must show why the social security administration was wrong in their denial of your claim and why it warrants being approved. Here is how your lawyer will approach this process to get you back into the queue for disability benefits. [Read More]

Riding With A Drunk Driver May Result In A Reduced Damage Award

Passengers in auto accidents can usually collect money for their injuries from the people responsible for the crashes. If you get in a vehicle with a drunk driver and are involved in an accident as a result, though, you may only receive partial compensation or none at all in some cases. Here's more information about how this can happen.  The Role of Personal Responsibility Drivers have a duty to operate their vehicles in a safe manner, so someone who operates a vehicle while intoxicated will typically always be held liable for any accident the person causes. [Read More]

Dealing With Tractor Trailer Accident Cases: What You Should Know

For most people who have been injured in a vehicle accident, they'll typically hire an attorney to assist them with their case in order to receive some kind of compensation from the offending party. Some of this compensation includes pain and suffering, medical costs, and the cost it takes to recoup or repair their damaged vehicle. If an accident involves a tractor trailer, the details of the case can be a bit more difficult to navigate. [Read More]

Is It Possible To Still Sue For Damages If You Were Responsible For A Collision?

Many people are quick to assume that the other person is at fault in a car accident. However, it may be the case that you both share the blame. If this is true, how does it affect a personal injury case, if you decided to pursue one? Is it still possible for you to recover damages, especially if the primary mistake was made by the other driver? Read on to learn about contributory and comparative negligence. [Read More]