2 Circumstances Where You Should Refrain From Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit

Many people wonder if they have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. They might see other people getting a good deal of money from a personal injury suit and wonder if that would work for them. Although, there are some cases where a lawsuit would be advised, there are other cases where you shouldn't file a lawsuit. Here are some instances where you should refrain from filing a lawsuit. The Defendant Doesn't Have Insurance Or A Large Estate [Read More]

Duty Of Care In Personal Injury Cases

Duty of care is a facet of the law that is critical in proving negligence in a personal injury case. If you wish to prove negligence in your case, you may have to prove that the defendant has breached his duty of care. Though there are no legal measurements of duty of care, there are some legal standards to help determine whether or not a defendant has breached it. What is duty of care? [Read More]

How Your Bankruptcy Attorney Can Help You Regain Self-Sufficiency

Even though bankruptcy is usually the financial strategy of last resort, it does offer you some relief to start over. Your attorney will want to help you attain the three objectives to a successful chapter 7 bankruptcy and reap the most benefits from its legal provisions. This will help you obtain a renewed goal of self-sufficiency. The three goals are: 1.  Obtaining Time and Protection to Regroup                                                                                             [Read More]

Auto Accident Due To Poor Road Conditions: Who's Liable For Damages?

Automobile accidents aren't always due to the negligence of another driver. In some cases, the poor road conditions can lead to an accident, and if no one really did anything wrong, who's at fault? Potholes, watering pooling on roadways, and ice or snow makes driving hazardous for all drivers. If you've had an accident due to bad road or driving conditions, you cannot file a personal injury suit for damages unless you understand where the fault lies. [Read More]